
ERCOT Market Summit 2015

February 25-27, 2015

Austin Marriott South, Austin, TX
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) Market Summit 2015: Regulatory changes driving massive generation builds and investment opportunities. The meeting will examine the changing market rules and drivers and bring policy-makers together with utility, IPP, DR and energy storage executives to explore the potential opportunities to solve resource adequacy shortfalls.
William Hieronymus will be a panelist on the topic discussion entitled, “Perspectives on Implementing Market Reforms”. The discussion will cover how ERCOT is not the only organized market to struggle with resource adequacy issues and insufficient economic signals to trigger the development and financing of new generation. PJM, ISO-NE, NYISO and CAISO have all instituted market reforms aimed at enhancing the returns on generation. What have the impacts been on construction, energy pricing and trading? What lessons learned can be applied in Texas?
For more information, click here.

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